What We Do

This is why we vigorously support our local agriculture. Often the produce you see was picked not just that week... but that very day! But it's not enough just to get the best. Upon arrival we properly handle, sort, display, rotate, and moderate storage temperatures to enhance the final ripening stage, letting sugars and juices flow.

What we DON'T do is intentionally or directly support massive commercial production or any other methods of agriculture that work against nature or are likewise irresponsible. This approach has brought "nice looking" inexpensive fruit to our tables, in and out of season, but at the expense of flavour and nutrition...and our valuable resources. (Sadly, some of the best tasting varieties are now extinct due to these practices.) We also make no attempt to economize by buying volume and holding it in the cold until it hits "the bins". We buy and ship small quantities so that fruit can be picked and consumed at the peak of nutritional potency.